How to determine the presence of parasites in the human body?

Parasites are organisms that cause diseases that can settle in the human body, animals, and even some plants. There are many kinds of creatures in the world that invade the host, feed on its beneficial substances, actively reproduce and leave waste products in the body, leading to the development of all kinds of diseases.

Worms are most commonly found in humans. These are worms of different lengths and sizes that live mainly in the intestines of vertebrates. However, some worms can migrate throughout the body, attacking the muscles, liver, heart, joints, lungs, and even the brain.

Worms damage the body of their host, so everyone needs to know how to detect the presence of parasites in the body. However, many people unduly want to go to the hospital, waste their time and have a bowel worm test.

In this case, one can find out if there are parasites in the body by paying attention to an important criterion such as the characteristic symptoms that develop in a certain type of helminthiasis. What if they're not there? This is not happening!

However, in the early stages of helminthic invasion, signs of vital activity of foreign microorganisms are weakly expressed or completely absent. The clinical picture only becomes more intense and pronounced when helminths are actively developing because their larvae cannot parasitize in humans.

How to detect the presence of worms in the body without medical research?

If the body is exposed to parasites, skin allergies occur

Different types of parasites cause characteristic symptoms in the host. If identified in time and deciphered correctly, this will allow early detection of infection.

This minimizes the likelihood of misdiagnosis, allowing for proper and effective deworming with folk or medical antiparasitic agents.

So to identify parasites in the human body, you need to pay attention to the symptoms:

  1. Gnashing of teeth at night.
  2. Allergic skin rashes - acne, acne, hives, herpes on the lips, eczema, red spots, papillomas, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, etc.
  3. The development of upper respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, runny nose), which is characteristic of ascariasis and strongyloidosis.
  4. Flatulence and diarrhea are due to the fact that long worms interfere with the secretion of bile and pancreatic juice.
  5. Constipation occurs when worms form a bullet that blocks the passage through the intestines.
  6. Discomfort in the joints and muscles due to the migration of parasites.
  7. Severe irritability caused by painful symptoms.
  8. Prolonged dry cough that cannot be treated with standard cough suppressants.
Nausea is a common symptom of helminthiasis

An increase in body temperature to subfebrile values can also be observed. Causes of this condition include allergies, sepsis, neurological disorders, disorders of the internal organs and brain, and anemic syndrome.

In addition, the worm in humans greatly reduces its immunity, as a result of which the patient often suffers from a cold. In addition, the patient develops prolonged depression caused by intoxication of the body.

The characteristic symptoms of helminthiasis are nausea and vomiting, which is also caused by the release of toxic substances. In addition, certain types of worms can live in the human body and produce special hormones that affect the gut microflora, which causes diarrhea.

In some cases, however, such symptoms are not attributed to helminthiasis because they are similar to the signs of food poisoning. Although this can be a serious problem because the later you start treatment, the more damage the parasites do to their host’s organs and systems.

Thus, a kind of test should be performed to detect helminthiasis at home. To do this, answer the following questions:

  • Is the anus itching at night?
  • Are the lymph nodes swollen?
  • Are there any rashes?
  • How often does insomnia occur?
  • Do you experience vomiting and nausea?
  • Are there joint and muscle pains?
  • How often does bloating occur?
  • How often does the taste of bitterness appear in the mouth?

If a person has given seven affirmative answers to these questions, it is highly arguable that their body is infected with worms.

How to identify the type of helminthiasis based on the symptoms?

Enterobiasis causes itching in the anal canal

You can determine at home which helminths lived in the human body. But this can only be done once the parasitosis has reached an active stage of development.

Ascariasis and diphyllobothriasis are characterized by neurological symptoms that are most intense in young patients. Aggressive behavior and increased nervousness are due to the effects of toxic substances on the nervous system. For similar reasons, an infected person develops migraines and dizziness.

Trichinosis is usually accompanied by joint and muscle pain and swelling of the face and eyelids. This is due to the peculiarities of the life of trichinella in skeletal muscle. You can become infected with this parasite if you consume wild game or pork that has been poorly heat treated.

Giardiasis affects the function of the liver and kidneys and causes all kinds of allergic reactions. In addition, some people, when the body is damaged by lamblia, suffer from arthritis that develops as a result of poisoning. In addition, an invasive patient has a weakened immune system, which is caused by the following diseases:

  1. sinusitis;
  2. stomatitis;
  3. bacterial vaginosis and so on.
Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract caused by the presence of parasites in the body

A characteristic sign of pinworm enterobiasis is itching of the anal canal. In addition, most infected people experience disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anemic syndrome is characteristic of schistosomiasis. There are also manifestations of dysbiosis (pathogenic microorganisms inhibit the favorable microflora).

In cloronchiasis, fascionellosis, and opisthorchiasis, the gallbladder is affected and an icteric syndrome develops. In addition, the liver and spleen grow in the background of these helminthiases.

Strongyloidiasis manifests itself in a variety of symptoms. Thus, with its progression, gastrointestinal disorders, dyspeptic disorders, and allergic manifestations occur.

How to determine if there are eggs of intestinal worms without laboratory conditions? When worms are in the reproductive phase, it is quite easy to know that they are present in the body. To do this, an analysis must be made of the eggs of the parasites.

If you develop opisthorchiasis, you can do the test yourself at home. For this purpose, an adhesive tape or tape should be applied to the skin in the anal area.

It is best to perform this procedure immediately after waking up in the morning. If someone has opisthorchia, the eggs are identified on the adhesive surface of the tape.

Laboratory methods for the detection of parasites

Laboratory diagnosis of parasitic invasions

If a patient has more than three characteristic symptoms of helminthiasis, contact a health care facility to have the parasites confirmed at home in the laboratory.

If Helminthicus invasion is suspected, the first step is to examine the stool. This makes it possible to identify the eggs of tapeworms, round helminths and eggs. However, the test must be performed three times every few days to confirm the diagnosis accurately.

Scraping is performed near the anus to determine enterobiasis. In addition, one of the most accurate and convenient tests for a patient is the ELISA, which allows the body to detect antibodies produced in the blood when it parasitizes pathogenic microorganisms.

Sometimes bioresonance diagnostics are performed that examine the frequency of parasites. This method is very informative as it determines the condition of the body as a whole. In addition to parasites, such a test allows the detection of a state of immunity that weakens it, the identification of other diseases as well as pathogenic fungi, bacteria and viruses.